I am so glad you responded, that in its self is helping my world. I Had a real hard day detoxing yesterday and my wife and I looked closely at the past few years and in truth, on top of the Cipro destruction, I believe the Klonopin withdraw is causing much of the trauma im experiencing. the coffee enemas and the detox herbs plus the Candida force is really pulling it out of me. I know the Dangers of benzo withdraws and I did taper very very slowly. Just happens that I finished my tapper and started to reclaim my life and the candida has to go first... some times after I would eat a meal prior to starting the diet I would feel like my head was swimming i.e. I could hear my self swallow, if that makes sense. I think a lot of the frustration with these inconsistencies are from the benzo withdraw. For example I could sweat in a steaming tub with ACV for 30 and enjoyed it. So much of the hurt is coming from being all over the place. Thank you for your response and any follow up on this comment would mean the world. After that I think you will have given me the power to do this!