I have been destroyed by modern doctors and their pills. Small History.... years ago I had bad hemorrhoids and a few instances of large bleeds into toilet with bowl movement. I discovered eating fresh organic bell peppers in large quantity cured my hemorrhoids and I still don't have them. Four years ago I got a prostate infection that took three different doctors and lots of meds blindly given to me. I ended up in the ER several times. After they decided it was my prostate I was given Cipro. That marked the second chapter in my life, a chapter of anxiety, depression, misery and a host of issues. I began having panic attacks so bad I lost everything and at 27 had to live with my parents. I was put on massive amounts of anxiety meds, including large amounts of benzos. My current issue started about 12 months ago. Burning in throat. Went to primary and of course they gave me an H2 blocker... I wont go over the three different specialists I saw because you have heard it before. All they would do is give me more acid reducing meds and said the rest was in my head. The last guy I saw thinks I have gastroparisis and gave me Zithromax and zantac for life! this is crazy! After two months all the issues started again and they only wanted to give me more medicine blindly. Now to business. My symptoms, depression, anxiety, soar throat, what appears to be severe GERD, burping after eating anything, spasms around liver ( like being kicked some times ) and around upper right side of rib cage. When I told them this they tried to give me muscle relaxers! Constant fatigue and pain. Horrible die off, pale and very thin, black under eyes, belching gives me the most relief. sauna Sweating makes me feel horrible. I have what seems like adhesions in my stool all the time.. After coffee enemas I get tons of candida/mucus then feel better then quickly feel horrible. I am about to loose my family, job and life. Please offer some insight. I will answer any question, ready to buy your program but I cant really function i.e. work so I want your take before I spend our savings. Thanks so much, this means the world for me. Currently taking Paul de, Arco, Para clear, GSE, pancreatic enzymes, ox bile and several other supplements. Zero pharmacy drugs. Used to do anabolic steroids and smoke marijuana.