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Re: Has anyone had these issues improve with NB?
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Re: Has anyone had these issues improve with NB?

My heart goes out to you INTi, for the first year and a half I didn't get really anywhere with the program. I was mainly just feeling worse punctuated by very brief moments where I'd feel really good much like you describe. It wasn't until I had a big copper dump that things started to brighten up for me, and to be honest I still have a ways to go. It's daunting at times but also encouraging because I know I have room to heal.

I should say to that I've been working full time throughout the program in a stressful work environment, so it may not take as long for you. I'm glad to hear your stress free and are able to rest, that's one thing I want to and should do more of.

The program is messy and I had no idea it would be as challenging as its been when I started. But it does get better, it's hard to see it I know but it does. Just yesterday I was thinking to myself, I've stalled out I'm not getting any better. Then like two hours later I felt amazing and was on a high most of the day. Of course, like clock work after those feelings of well almost euphoria, comes the detox. So I just grin and bear it and try to get through it as quick as I can. It seems to go on like this, and with each cycle I feel a little bit better. Like Ori had said in that interview DBLC posted the other day it almost takes a kind of surrender to the program. That statement dose make me angry a little, like how the heck can someone say that to me when I'm going through what I'm going through, but it's true if I don't follow the program day in and day out I'm like two sheets to the wind. I feel like the detox gets the better of me and I stop doing what I'm supposed to do. Over the two years I haven't been that compliant really. I don't keep up with the saunas very well even after building my own, only very recently have they actually made me feel any better. The enemas I don't like them either and only do them out of necessity. I would only do them when I got to a point where the negative thoughts were just too much to handle which was like once or twice a week. On that first copper dump that I mentioned, I didn't do any enemas and that was one of the worst experiences I've had, the headaches and fatigue were terrible. The next time I felt it coming I decided I'd try the enemas and I breezed right through. I'm not suggesting someone do something they're uncomfortable with, or leaves them feeling really awful and maybe some people don't need it but as you get stronger you can try different things to see if they will help you.

Sorry I'm rambling, I don't really know how else I can help other than just sharing what I've gone through. I really hope your feeling better soon, and I'll send lots of good positive vibes your way.



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