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Re: Has anyone had these issues improve with NB?
natway Views: 1,710
Published: 12 y
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Re: Has anyone had these issues improve with NB?

I would focus on your diet first before start spending a lot of money on supplements because most peoples problems are diet-related IMO, either eating the wrong foods, calorie-restricting, or both.

You should get results within a couple weeks on the right diet as long as you're eating enough on it, or else any diet will fail.

What is the right diet will forever be debated. I quickly got results going plant-based from being low-carb and I'm further improving on a high-carb/low-fat diet with a macronutrient percentage of 80% carbs, 10% protein, 10% fat. Others will recommend a different diet, but the point is which ever diet is recommended, you'll have to start trying that diet, but you should know within a couple of weeks if it's working as long as you're eating enough on it.

Then when you find the right diet and start improving, but still feel deficient in something, then supplements would be appropriate, like Vitamin D or B12. But most nutrients you'll get best through diet.


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