Re: Student needs advice on vaccination before a year abroad in China!
thanks for the great recommendations. Thats what I am looking for. Great NATURAL alternatives to strenghten my immune system. I am living really healthy anyway (daily exercise,
healthy Diet (Weston A. Price style), sufficient rest and relaxation (Yoga, meditation, Feldenkrais), etc.
I am only worried of the danger of getting really sick with something like Thypus from conterminated food in China.
Unfortunately I am not THAT educated in virology, but could I take those supplements (Oil of Oregano Echinacea, raw garlic) preventively, like a few drops under the tongue every morning? Would virus that enter my body through food or water be neutralized if the concentration of those anti-viral herb chemicals are high enough in the blood?
Is there any viral desease that would mean sure death without a vaccine?
I mean for example Hepatitis A is not exactly fatal in a young, healthy male, right?
But what about Rabies or Tetanus? Can a strong immunesystem even protect you from those kind of infections?