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Student needs advice on vaccination before a year abroad in China!
Alphalifestyle Views: 962
Published: 12 y

Student needs advice on vaccination before a year abroad in China!

Hey everybody,

this is the only forum I trust on this kind of questions, and frankly so only one I know, so I hope you can advice me on the right thing to do!

I am a 27 yo. male, student of Chinese from Germany.
In September I gone leave Germany for a 12 month stay in China, Nanjing.

Now, for me healthy and natural living is priority in life. I am extremly sceptical of any kind of modern medicine and almost never go to the doctor. I use water therapy, exercise, organic diet, herbs and stuff to keep myself healthy.

Now everybody pressures me to renew my childhood vaccines before I go to China.

A friends father, who is a doctor and my parents, they all think I should re-new Tetanus, Hepatitis and also get a Typhoid fever, Rabies and Japanese encephalitis.

NOW I also dont like people who are over paranoid and think vaccines are some sinister plot by the government to ,I dont know, destroy peoples immunesystem, but here in Germany EVERYBODY just tells me there are no dangers and sideeffects. Its just a great upgrade for the immunesystem to make me resistend to normally deadly desease and it would be irresponsible and reckless to refuse vaccination.

So what do you think? In Germany I am really not afraid to get infected with Hepatitis or anything, but traveling China and Mongolia? Is it really necessary to get vaccination? Is any of those diseases really deadly for a healthy indidivdual with a normal (maybe even strong) immunesystem?

Can my body not immunize naturally by fighting the Hepatitis, Thypus etc. Virus? Would there be a great risk of dying from it?

Is there REALLY any serious risks from the vaccines? My professor just told me he developed Type 1 diabetes directly aftera Hepatitis 2 vaccination! O_O Is that possible?

I really dont know what I should do... all I care about is long life and health. I want to do the right thing but it seems people are either totally pro or totally contra vaccinations.

You as Health aware and reasonable individuals, what would you recommend me to do?




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