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Re: Can anyone take a stab at this
ring5100 Views: 2,979
Published: 12 y
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Re: Can anyone take a stab at this

Beth, when you startd on the ACE, did you first have the ASI cortisol saliva test done to check your hormone levels?
And, exactly how much ACE were you taking and for how long?
Was sit sublingual or capsule?
WOnder, as I've been under Dr. Neville's care and my cortisol levels were very low, all for times thru the day.

I've been taking ACE, very minute amounts (like 50-100mg. a day only) and yet I seem to have gotten worse. Unless, the damage prior was already there and this small amount would not be helping. But, if I increase the ACE, I get more anxiety. But, also had the anxiety long before starting it too. Figure?


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