I was zapping for 20 hours a day for about 10 days, before I started the 2 zapper method. Also I am zapping more than 12 hours a day now. 12 hours is the minimum. It is about 12 to 18 hours a day. We shall see the results pretty soon. I just saw the regular blood results online that were posted today. The hiv viral load test and CD4 cells (T cells) is sent to another lab so that may take until next week. I already proved that just zapping a few hours a day is not enough for hiv. So anyone following Becks instructions is going to not get good results on hiv numbers. That alone makes me highly suspect of Beck, no matter how honest he seems. So word is, that is you try to lower hiv by zapping you better do a lot, lot more than Beck said. (assuming it even works).