Re: How many of you KNOW it was candida ? (AF sufferer)
Have you had a stool test done yet? If not I would definitely recommend doing that before embarking on any parasite/candida cleansing protocols. See we all have so many common symptoms that overlap with so many conditions. I made the mistake of trying to vigorously kill candida and
parasites without a stool test first and I threw myself into the pit of hell with AF. I was taking GSE, and what I thought was "die-off" turned out to be
Histamine Intolerance .
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract is a citrus extract so if you are histmine intolerant citrus is a big no-no, as well as all the fermented foods and probiotics they recommend for candida cleanses. I had major full body rashes, and was hospitalized quite a few times. My gut is worse than before because of all the histamine aggravation and not paying attention to
food intolerances .
colonics did help me, but ultimately when I dumped the "candida diet" is when I started feeling better. Get a stool test so you'll know for sure what's going on. You'll save yourself alot of suffering. Also remember not to attribute adverse reactions to "detox". If something makes you feel horrific stop doing it. I learned that too the hard way after forcing supplements and vegetables down my throat that I was seriously allergic to. It took episodes of anaphylaxis for me to break away from the "protocols" but I am finally healing now. Oh and it is possible to have
parasites and amoebas without seeing them in your stool. many are microscopic.