Simple candida test..this is as basic as it gets:
Before bed, brush your teeth and tongue extremely well and don't drink or eat anything afterwards ...have by your bedside table a covered clear glass half full of h2o (bottled) In the morning, before doing anything and I mean anything ..take the cover off the glass and spit in it. Wait 15 minutes. Look through the glass...if your saliva contains no Candida, it will float on top of the water...kinda like oil. If Candida is present you may see long strings hanging down or it will be floating around the middle of the glass, or at the bottom. This is a simple and inexpensive way to see what's there...I found it somewhere and then my mother saw it on the Dr. Ozz show. I will tell you that Candida isn't the only fungi we can play host to, but it's one of the most common. Hope this helps :)