Re: ativan/lorazepam and urine therapy
It sounds like you know about the withdrawal symptoms of benzodiazepines, but I would like to go through them in case.
Fortunately I have no personal experience with this problem.
Benzo's should only be taken for three weeks, that is the drug company recommendation and it does not matter if you take a few a day or one every two days, or if you take 2mg or 60mg the time is the same.
After that it begins to increasingly disturb your sleep and make you more anxious which are the two things it is supposed to stop. The time for this to occur varies widely with different people and the elderly are most at risk.
For someone who has been on them for many months the reduction to zero should be done over many weeks depending on the current dosage. It should be in steps of around 20% for a week for each step. EG. if on 2mg cut it into quarters and take 3/4 every second night, full amount on alternate nights. Next week take 3/4 every night something like that and gradually get down to zero.
One person who was on a large dose each day took 17 weeks to successfully withdraw and in the beginning she did not sleep for 48 hrs.
It is better to be off them and then try UT.
For an answer to your question you should ask the drug company if it is passed through the urine in active form.