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Re: Way to go, Elf!!! Re: Liver Stones
elf_hardtoil Views: 2,732
Published: 12 y
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Re: Way to go, Elf!!! Re: Liver Stones

>"I was scared"

Waiting to drink the solution, I felt like I was waiting to be led to the guillotine or something. I'd done three flushes before using Epsom Salts , but was worried about doing it without.

This was not at all unpleasant, unlike the ES technique.

So I'll add the following to my notes:

"Once you 'get in the groove', a Liver Flush barely interrupts your day/night. Nowadays I'll decide to do one 'in a few days' and then: have around 1/4 cup of ACV daily for 4-5 days; take around a tablespoon of Liver Tincture (I always have milk thistle in my daily Superfood)...and then eat lightly (no/low fat) on the day of the flush - drink down oil/citrus, go to sleep - and do an extra Coffee-Enema the following day. Done - easy-schmeezy - no hassle - no fuss no muss."


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