Here`s my thought about mega dosing iodine, i never really read the books of
Iodine doctors, and newer been even close to mega dosing with iodine/iodide personnally. but something tell me that the dosing must go in line with the environment. what probably was more than enough in 300 years ago, like 20 mg/day is just not enough todays world with high toxic attack from land,sea,air...
As the toxic levels go up there must be a counterforce enough big to cope with all that crap, so i really cant think any other method than adjusting the dosage as high it is needet, this goes to iodine, but also probably to selenium as it is know fact that heavy metals bind selenium in human body, so if someone have really a lot heavy metals in body the official RDI intake of selenium is probably allmost useless as it will be bindet by the bad heavy metals.
So by saying the toxic level of selenium in todays high polluted world is not the same as in 300 years ago, one can have the upper limit 400, and other person with lots of heavy metals 800/day IMO.