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UT 3 questions; answers not found elsewhere; please help
I have 3 questions as I would like to try UT;
1. I am sick and I know my system is not "clean.' I have metal fillings in teeth, etc., I can not have them removed at this time. I have Epstein Barr (chronic, active), candida in my intestines, and probably
parasites as well. My white blood cell count is high - probably due to what's going on in my intestines - there's an infection somewhere. Is it ok to do UT under these circumstances and gain benefit?
2. If the answer to the above is yes, that would be good news and I can ask my second question. Re: low protein diet during UT- I very much want to do UT but I am required to be on a high protein diet and feel this is a conflict with most everything I've read about effective UT. Would it be acceptable if I replaced animal protein with protein from vegan sources (such as high-quality, well-regarded vegan meal replacement shakes) during UT?
2. I'm pretty fragile and with no family or emotional support system to speak of and no one to help me when I feel really ill. Therefore, I am wondering if there is any place such as a wellness retreat center in the US where one can go and do urine therapy overseen by trained professionals? This is less about drinking the urine (although that's a part of it) and more about support during any healing crisis.
Thank you, bless everyone.