Hi, I've been somewhat in your shoes, and hope I can help.
Not much metal goes out through your urine, so you don't have to be concerned about toxic leakage. Research reports metals in urine only after a recent exposure, say, if you work somewhere where heavy metals are inhaled.
Someone here recently had great success treating an intestinal disorder by combining fasting with several protocols. You wont' have to scroll down far in the forum to find his posts. I believe it will contain information that can help you.
1. I am sick and I know my system is not "clean.' I have metal fillings in teeth, etc., I can not have them removed at this time. I have Epstein Barr (chronic, active), candida in my intestines, and probably
parasites as well. My white blood cell count is high - probably due to what's going on in my intestines - there's an infection somewhere. Is it ok to do UT under these circumstances and gain benefit?
2. If the answer to the above is yes, that would be good news and I can ask my second question. Re: low protein diet during UT- I very much want to do UT but I am required to be on a high protein diet and feel this is a conflict with most everything I've read about effective UT. Would it be acceptable if I replaced animal protein with protein from vegan sources (such as high-quality, well-regarded vegan meal replacement shakes) during UT?
I have to say, I believe the low protein thing is a myth. Plenty of people on this forum have done high-protein while using large amounts of urine, with no detriment. I have, as well. I drink copious raw milk and eat raw eggs. Getting unadulterated proteins and fats that your body can easily digest and absorb is SO HELPFUL if you are sick especially.
The concern is that animal protein will acidify the urine. You will have to keep a check on this in any case--get urine strips, RapidResponse from amazon.com are cheap and will give you a reading on all the important measurements.
Drinking some baking powder, or apple cider vinegar, will help keep your PH in the right balance.
2. I'm pretty fragile and with no family or emotional support system to speak of and no one to help me when I feel really ill. Therefore, I am wondering if there is any place such as a wellness retreat center in the US where one can go and do urine therapy overseen by trained professionals? This is less about drinking the urine (although that's a part of it) and more about support during any healing crisis.
No, I don't know of any such place. I've wondered about it. It would probably be illegal to offer this service in today's age. There used to be informal clinics where people did raw milk fasting (many people came back from one foot in the grave through raw milk fasting in the 19th and early 20th century) and urine fasting. No longer.
I'd like to suggest that you look into something--food grade hydrogen peroxide. I've been adding it in, and feel great benefit. It does make the urine taste messy, but the two can definitely be combined and the oxygenating effect is a marvelous relief from chronic fatigue symptoms due to infection. Do some research on it--it's not expensive. $30 for a
quart that will last you forever, and some distilled water.
Good luck! Blessings of healing to you!