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Re: Why waking up at 5 am anxious?
Leollipop Views: 9,074
Published: 12 y
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Re: Why waking up at 5 am anxious?

Hey i sort of had that problem too and i was where you are not too long ago.. I was on the candida diet and had digestive problems too and was in that kind of vicious cycle where my anxiety was causing digestive problems and digestive problems causing anxiety etc.. if you're under eating you really need to start eating more because it could be that you are not eating enough.. i have low blood Sugar from not eating enough and would wake up and find it so hard to get back to sleep because my body was so starved.. i had no appetite due to my AF though which made it very difficult to eat and i had no idea that not eating enough was causing the problem..

When you're starving your body for candida or digestion problems or anything your body will be in constant fight or flight mode because it has no energy from food to run on so if you are not eating any carbs or enough food for your body to function properly just eat! Your body is just craving food and that's why you're waking up!

I started having to eat A LOT even though it felt horrible because i have no appetite but now i have an appetite and im realising i have insomnia because of the low blood Sugar and i keep waking up because of it too! It causes you to have anxiety and insomnia and everything when your body is starved.. I have to eat before i sleep and if i wake up in the middle of the night i know it's because my body is starving even if i don't feel hunger so i eat when i wake up as well.. And i eat a freaking huge breakfast.. Don't listen to any m*o*o*nic diets that tell you not to eat any carbs it's completely insane and a lot of people end up much worse off doing so..

It's always a good idea to take something like digestive enzymes and possibly HCL as well if you need them because as long as you're not digesting your food it will be you'll be in a cycle bone broths and fermented foods are really good as well


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