Re: Why waking up at 5 am anxious?
Same for myself too.
And, I'm not sure either. I do know, when I was not in this severe stage of AF 5 years ago or even up till the past 2 years, I was pretty much able to sleep ok through the night, but not always.
So, it is tied into the whole severe adrenal stage thing.
I wonder about liver clearance as I know the body does most of it's repair work during sleep. The kidneys, liver, etc.
I will go to sleep calm to semi calm and wake up about 2-3 hours later with feeling hot. Than will put the fan on me and most often fall back to sleep,than wake again either about 4:30am or 7-8am with anxiety. This has been ongling 85% of the time the past 2 years. And I eat a very ligth meal 1.2 hours before bed, for my low blood
Sugar issues, so I know this is not the problem.
My last ASI saliva test showed very low AM cortisol levels and the 4 lows pattern throughout the day too.