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Re: What do you do in my case ? (quick question)
saywhatagain Views: 1,890
Published: 12 y
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Re: What do you do in my case ? (quick question)

I believe that almost all of us have at least some parasites in us, except those that are exceptionally healthy. My view is a little bit different from others as the the best way to get rid of parasites. I have taken tons of anti parasite herbs over the years and it seems that no matter how hard you hit them, you will never get rid of all of them until you get your body as healthy as possible. Probably depends on the person, if you have a somewhat strong immune system, maybe you can just take a bunch of herbs and get rid of them. Many people have at least somewhat compromised immune systems, they will need to repair this first before they can completely eliminate all parasites. When I first started taking herbs, I saw tons of parasites coming out, and I have taken many, many courses. at one time, I really tried to just get rid of them altogether by taking huge doses of anti parasite herbs over extended periods of time. But even now, I still have at least some because I see them occasionally. As I have improved my health and immune system, occasionally my body kills some parasites when I am not even taking any herbs. So my approach is to take anti parasite herbs a few times a year and continue to strengthen the immune system (I also use antiparasite foods and spices on a regular basis). I feel that only when my immune system, all organs of elimination and detoxification are in near perfect working order, will I be able to really get rid of all of them. In other words, for many people, this is a marathon instead of a sprint. Good luck.


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