Thanks for your mail. Sorry for the late reply. I am still in the same situation here, completely unable to go and its so frustrating. I have tried to stop using enemas several times since my post but each time I get to 3 days of being blocked and I end up giving in because of the pain. Exercise hasnt helped, neither has diet or my intake of water. I do not take any laxatives anymore but I am so dependant on the enemas its so frustrating.
The depressing thing is, I can form stools fine, I just cant seem to pass them, I am unable to pass wind at times also. My GP is useless and here in Ireland there is very little help available to someone with an issue like mine.I just dont know what to do at this stage.
I usually do 300ml with my enema bulb in the mornings to start my BM, sometimes I need to do another if I cant pass a stool, and every 3 or 4 days I will do a 2lt enema to clear me out. I know this isnt good for me but letting the faecal matter sit in there cant be good either. I really hope this issue can be reversed :-(