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Re: Let's do this...dosage round worms, flukes, everything?
peggyaus Views: 4,933
Published: 12 y
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Re: Let's do this...dosage round worms, flukes, everything?

Excess estrogen which just makes the situation worse will also exaccerbate the Ascaris problem... (my experience also). I used DIM to rid myself of the excess estrogen and went off HRT. This estrogen dominance is a real problem in peri and menopause and seems to be "food" for worms. If you've noticed that you've put on weight during peri meno, breasts growing and hips.. its a likely indicator of estrogen dominance and this makes worms more likely.

Yep I found out the hard way regarding my thyroid... but at least I stopped the other side of my thyroid hurting and growing another huge goitre by using iodine.. it really helps alot!

The Ascaris is a big problem.. I've had it for years on and off.. trying very hard to get rid of it. They do travel, they are known for it.. but don't be scared of them, and what I've had is one migrate to the bladder which was quite easy to get rid of. You can add some bromelain to help the body digest these worms too on top of the medicines.

Doctor's recommendations or the recommendations on the medicine box are usually inadequate, you want the mg's to be high enough, but at the same not to overuse the products so that the worms don't become immune to the stuff. I've seen recommendations for mebendazole 200 mg's morning and night x 3 days - but first use the pyrantel Palmoate 10 mg/kg first as a paralyser so that they don't move - then hit them with the mebendazole which starves them in the intestines. You might want to resarch this more and check on ICU's protcols which are here on the drug forum. Just type in ICU and you will see her well researched programs on all types of worms. Good luck :)


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