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Re: Let's do this...dosage round worms, flukes, everything?
peggyaus Views: 5,265
Published: 12 y
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Re: Let's do this...dosage round worms, flukes, everything?

Heavy Ascaris infection will impede your thyroid from absorbing Iodine causing goitre, pain, thyroiditis... from personal experience this what happened to me... very sore and inflamed thyroid for years.. half of it was taken out after growing a huge goitre... only to realise years later it was Iodine deficiency most likely due to Ascaris infection made worse by low Iodine in food intake.... So my advise to you, 1. take iodine, 2. kill ascaris... and 3 kill whatever other big worms you have.

Drugs to kill Ascaris in the intestines is mebendazole, aka Vermox. Drugs outside the intestines to kill ascaris is albendazole. My advice is to try mebendazole first before you try albendazole which is harsher and effects the whole body. But first take a dose of pyrantel embonate which paralyses the worm - then a.m. and pm mebendzole for at least 3 days.

Keep your zinc intake up and add MSM as well daily.


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