Re: Onion Allergy & Inflammation
My brother-in-law, a police officer, developed an allergy to onions 4 years ago at the age of 40. With each accidental intake, his symptoms have been progressively worse. After accidently eating onions this past Friday (there were small pieces in baked beans he ate at a restaurant), his first symptoms were diarrhea. The following day, however, he woke up with his face swollen and with multiple fever blister like sores on his lip and even worse, on the outside of his nostrils...very painful!
As I was researching this, I came across a post in a Yahoo message board about a woman who found a cure for this allergy for herself, her mom and her two young daughters. It appears her research lead her to find that a bacteria present in the gut of some individuals converts the chemicals in onion to sulfur. I know it sounds a little "out there", but I've been going through similar treatment of bacteria, fungus and yeast that is present in my gut and causing a host of other symptoms. I was very skeptical at first but after 3-4 treatments I couldn't ignore the improvements.
I'm only posting this as an alternative to those of you that have posted in this message board regarding your allergy to onions. If you endure as much pain as I saw my brother-in-law enduring yesterday due to an allergy to onuons, I felt it was worth sharing.
I hope it helps...