Re: Liver flukes
Challenge the message and not the messenger!
The first person to resort to name calling and personal attacks automatically loses the debate!
Personal attack is often the best indication that the writer knows his logic is flawed and therefore tries to deflect attention by attacking the opponent, instead of attacking the arguments of the opponent.
Now to correct you, I never said people don't get parasites. I'm cautioning people who only have self-diagnosed themselves, can't get it verified by doctors, and who've been battling this problems for a very long time to make sure they didn't mis-diagnosed themselves.
I find it a little funny you guys say doctors are worthless and it's some kind of giant
Conspiracy by the medical establishment and government, yet a simple vet is able to tell that your dog has tapeworms. Why don't you take your samples to this vet? He seems to be pretty good.
A giant medical
Conspiracy I've always heard was doctors wanting to find any reason to write prescriptions to patients to get more money and kick-backs from the big pharma companies. Why wouldn't they try to cover-up
parasites if so many people have them? Why are they letting alternative medicine make all the money off parasites? Sounds illogical to me.