VERY Important: re-feeding is what's at issue here
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It is clear that the re-feeding process is something people just do not take seriously enough. -Even old-timers trip up, from time to time!-
The majority of problems with
Water Fasting can be traced to the re-feeding, and the way the fast is broken. (Second to this is the way it is begun--Some can jump in and swim, others will sink, or flounder.)
The fasting literature (complied from extensive experience)has always said re-feeding is AS important as a properly conducted Water -ONLY fast.
Note that re-feeding does not mean just the post-fast period, before one can 'go back to my favourite foods', but the ongoing new mode of better living. Nutreint-dens, whole foods, plant-based (largely)is what works.
Any return to old ways that caused harm in the past is likely to produce a strong reaction--the body's way of saying, NO!
Sorry--not meaning to shout, but rather to add emphasis.