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Re: big pharma humaworm and other scams
RONBN49 Views: 4,742
Published: 12 y
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Re: big pharma humaworm and other scams

Correct. Modern medicine is fixed on symptoms rather than cures and I am afraid the so called natural health is getting that way to. Many have found their way to this board by desperation and in that desperation have brought their cure the symptoms thinking with them. For example candida,cancer parasites, diabetes etc are all symptoms. One must look past these symptoms to find the real cause of disease and look at things on a cellular level. What is really going on? Its like a detective trying to solve a crime, you do not stop looking for the perp when you find a suspect or a witness. You solve the crime not the witness to that crime. As an example cholesterol does not cause heart disease it is merely at the scene of the crime therefore treating that symptom does nothing for heart disease as our statistics indicate. Chasing parasites does not solve the problem of why one has parasites in the first place. The scare tactics used to sell dangerous product is criminal and the fact Wormwood is used in Humaworm is also criminal. Wormwood is very dangerous.


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