You stuck that out for over 2 weeks kiddo! Best you take a big break! It took me over 2 weeks to clear that funke going on in my body and spirit! I know everybody is different thou!Take it easy--wait until you are strong enough to do battle again!
I tried putting pumpkin seeds and yogurt in a food processor- been trying to swallow that-LOL- for a couple days--ugh! And then some caster oil.Wow! It works! Saw some strange thinner then hair stuff and about 1/8 inch long!I have no idea what that was!I suppose there are microscoptic parasites/amoeba things and such.And be careful about medicine/pills! I read somewhere that the oil I took is toxic-wormwood-and maybe the Black-Walnut hull too!Feels like your head isn't screwed on right!It effects your central nervous system! Such dark thoughts...I'd rather detox slowly--still gotta function daily!