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Finally getting over the Mirema - my solution so far
Kellyc180 Views: 4,215
Published: 12 y
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Finally getting over the Mirema - my solution so far

I had my Mirena removed at the end of January.

My 'detox' as given to me by a naturopath, was a diet consisting of fresh fruit and veg, no red meat, no wheat and no dairy. Drink more water to flush out toxins, include buckwheat, linseeds and chia seeds in to your diet and generally eat healthy, fresh and organic, avoid salt and Sugar (including milk chocolate).
I was also put on various suppliments, from Nutrigold they were Supamag plus (magnesium and multi vitamins) pantothenic acid ( to help with anxiety and panic that were triggered by Mirema) and Marine fish oils.
A combination of those things plus, CBT counselling and acupuncture has really helped me on my journey to getting over the Mirena.

I am not 100% yet but I would say I am 70% better than I was. It takes time so don't rush your self. Every woman is different, some get over it in a week, some it takes a lot lot longer. But a healthy Diet and suppliments cannot do any harm and will also make your health optimum regardless of the Mirena.

FYI I am not on any medication whatsoever, naturally letting my body figure itself out, there have been times when the Depression and anxiety have got so bad during 'the mirena crash' that I wanted any tablets I could get to help me cope, but I made it through with nothing and I think that is the best way xx


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