...that is not logical, Mr Spock.
[quote] NOT a parasite. The picture you've posted is obviously a photomicrograph and shows something that is very very very small.
..if something is small..it can't be a parasite?
..the Plasmodium species that cause malaria..
are not parasites..because they are small enough
to develop inside the red blood cells?
..not a
parasite after all.
.....well..that is certainly good news.
No doubt millions of people being destroyed
by malaria will be elated to
discover that..
[according to your definition..]
they are not afflicted by a parasite...it's.."too small".
...and if "small things can't be parasites"..well..
what will you call them..when obviously they
are living inside a host..growing..and multiplying..
parasites do.
Perhaps we should call them "delusions"...that seems
to be a popular path among "medical doctors".
Forget the antimalarial drugs..what these patients need
is a stout dose of mind altering drugs.
A few hundred milligrams of "Damitall" and they'll
be skipping out of the malaria ward whistling
"zippity doo da"!