Candidiasis can be a catch-all name for any negative imbalance of intestinal flora, generally brought on by Antibiotic use. For me, it started with Candida, but while trying to kill off the Candida, it can mutate into its fungal form which can latch onto the intestinal wall leading to leaky gut syndrome. Other opportunistic fungi or bacteria can also overgrow as the good bacteria are less dominant.
In my case, I had overgrowths of Candida Parapsilosis, Staph Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. I attribute my recovery to the use of the antifungal, Tanalbit plus Dr Hulda ClarkLiver Flushes at two week intervals.
I won't go into my numerous symptoms, but needless to say, I won the battle and am now a healthy marathon runner.