11 y
Lonely codependent señior mother.
How much it huts, not sure if the sadnessnes will go away some dasy. I have two kids, and I expected much from them, but I´m facing my reality and letting go all my dreams of what seemrd to be unrelistic expectations about them, letting go all this dream is like mouring the emotinal loss of my two kids.My daughter is a stone hearted woman, who is verbably abusive, and if I ask for something she treats me like shit. She sees the way I react to her misstreast but , she is never awate of what she has done before. So all the blame is on me.
I had a sweet loving nice son, but she married a contolling woman who finds fault in everything I do, say, or don´t do ot say. My son is so in love and so blind, that has no clue of what is going on.And most of all he wants his marriage. My problem is that I have been codependent on my kids. Both of them have broken my heart. I don´t see my daughter anymore and I´m hesitataing to finish the relationship with my son and wife. (she is aggressive with me).Both of them knowingly or not have been kickking me out of their lives and I can´t tolerate one more kick. (I have had enough)
I cry a lot and that helps, I feel like a señior who has been abandoned by their kids. Sometimes the pain is unverable. Just need someone to read , give me some support if possible and feedback.
I also feel mad and ashamed with myself for giving them such a power in my life.
No judging please