Please have a talk with a couple of South American Doctors who deal with parasitic problems every day from the amazon and other areas. They know what the problems are here in the States with labs and doctor education. This is basic "field" science, what doctors experience first hand. If you haven't done this basic research first, then maybe you should not give advice. ALL of my ex's employees caught parasites in the Amazon. I caught parasites in the alti=plano area. The doctors there will tell you that if you come back to the states with the parasites still in you, that the chances are that you will never get cured. Labs and education in the U.S. is no good in this field. Just talk to a few EXPERIENCED doctors who actually deal with this problem daily. Not some American doctor who has never really seen a parasite in his life because he doesn't know enough to test 10 or more times, do blood tests and use a proper lab.