Interesting link, Cynthia. Sometimes I start increasing my dosage when I'm feeling worse with my symptoms, but sometimes it seems to aggravate things . I can't always tell. I had my levels checked last summer, at the END of the summer when I had a nice tan after being in the sun frequently. I had also been supplementing with 2,000 IUs a day. I was worried that I was too high, with all that sun exposure as well. My levels were only 35. They were 32 before with no sun and no real supplements. So, with all that work, I only was able to raise them up 3 points. I would be more aggressive, but it's expensive to have my levels checked to see where they are. Now, I'm just griping. I'm coming up on my period, and I have burning pains in my toes (the tips of them). Really hot, burning pains, like acid is on them, even when my feet are cold. It comes and goes in waves. Does anyone ever have this? So strange. Rogue nerve endings I guess.