Message for Natway... candida high fruit diet..
If you are going to suggest things like a high fruit low fat diet to treat candida you need to provide facts to back it up. Not personal stories of people who it has helped. Lets see the facts based on scientific evidence.
These ladies healed their Candida problems within 2 weeks by eating a high-fruit/low-fat diet.
Freelee, within 10 days of doing a bananas island*
Darlene, about 10 days of doing a bananas island
Yulia, within a week of high-fruit/low-fat diet
From what I've researched and from my own experience with different health conditions, wholesome carbs are only bad in the presence of too much fats. I couldn't stand to eat a lot of carbs or fruit when I was on a low-carb/high-fat diet.
I've seen many people report healing from all your other condition too on a high-fruit/high-carb/low-fat diet:
Ritchie, healed major Celiac disease
Esperanza, healed major Celiac disease
*A "Banana Island" is eating only bananas for however many days. It's also known as a "Mono-fruit Island" which is eating a single kind of fruit of your choice in sufficient amounts for however many days