Re: Leaky gut, fatty liver, and belly fat
Also I want to touch up on Potatoes (White specifically) and the liver.
"That study, which was conducted at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, required the low-carbohydrate participants to eat very few carbohydrates each day. In the first week, participants consumed only about 20 g of carbs per day -- about the amount found in half a potato. It's not healthy to limit carbohydrates to that level long-term, and it's also not clear, based on the results of the study, whether limiting carbohydrates or simply losing weight works better to reverse fatty liver disease."
Read more:
There's more carb diets out there.
However I'm not sure if what Anthony and I deal with is fatty liver. Due to the fact we are losing weight.
I struggle with the skeletal issue he did. I am 132lbs barely gaining any weight. Even after going gluten free.
I also remember reading kids after WW2 in Europe were out of wheat/bread and were eating mostly potatoes. And instead of being skinny they actually started to gain weight. Then after they got it back into their economy they started to lose weight again...
So... Something is up.
Maybe Anthony and myself are just celiac.