Re: AF and CFS- same or different?
Really sorry for you man! Did not know these details about your life. Must be very hard for you. I wish I could give you more advice or something... Fingers crossed :)
AF or
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome now these are
Science fiction mambo jambo for the doctors here also. Psychiatric disorders most of the time they said EVEN when I've had show them the underlying infections until now. Like 5-6 chronic infections undergoing.
I'm not working since 2 years now and the same as you I rely on the savings and my wife. My GP ALWAYS told me these infections can't be that bad can they?
I was having some relief quite important 1 year ago when was in UK working with some practitioners. Colonics, diet, vitC, Probiotics after and liver plus adrenal support. I put back 5 kg out of 15 I had been losing. But soon they change the probiotic adding maltodextrine and stopped the
colonics things worsten again. They wanted me to chelate heavy metals in that condition and still having
Amalgams in the mouth. So I stopped the "collaboration".
What I can tell you is all those really improved my situation was more energetic better digestion less foggy more clear head beter endurance but lack of knowledge I believe put candida in front of
parasites and other infections. And they wanted to continue putting just candida as the major reason whic was incomplete. Further tests (a lot) showed
parasites heavy load (everybody have them why am I so special?) viruses and bacteria overgrowth.