You're right Jilly we're on our own... thank god we have each other here at Curezone to provide some reality to the situations we find ourselves in!
Glad to hear you are doing the iodine.
I'm due for a liver flush... sometime this week, ugh! Will feel better afterwards I'm sure lol
Recently I heard of a local woman (friend of a friend) in her late 30's who was sick.. doctors opened her up and she was full of candida. She died on the operating table. It was the first time I had heard about candida actually killing you. I asked my friend.. what do u mean she had candida? And the friend replied "they openened her up and she was full of a "dough" like substance"... like it had actually grown into a dough... :( :( So sad to hear such an awful story :( But there u go.. you can die from overgrowth, its scarey.