I think the insomnia all starts with high cortisol, I was going to sleep ok but waking 3-4 hours later with my mind worrying about everything...it just went downhill from there. Interestingly the ASI test I did about 8 months after it all started, showed very low all day then in range before bed.
These days i can barely get to sleep, impossible without Trazodone, even still I wake up 1-2 hours later with it...the Trazodone chills the mental chatter for a few hours but has nasty side effects, so i dont know whats worse anymore!, so I drift in and out until 4-5am then get full on mental chatter, then normally the adrenaline starts...
I have just ordered a hormone profile test just to see whats happening. I know it sounds crazy but I would loveto have low cortisol, just so i could sleep!