Wow Marie that is so great!! I am so happy for your progress :)
Interesting theory about the HBBJ salt. I absolutely love that salt and have not found anything that can compete with it. I'm still having to consume quite a bit of it to keep my sodium levels up.
The other day I tried to drink some raw coconut water and whooooaaaaa what a mistake! At first I thought it was the sugar, but I can handle a bit of honey these days with no problem. Then I read that one cup of coconut water contains a potassium level equal to 4 bananas! So I totally threw my sodium levels down by giving myself a whopping injection of potassium. Not even 10 minutes after drinking it I had racing heart, hyperventilation, sweats and shakes. Won't be trying that again soon. But it was a little disheartening to see that I've been doing so much work and my salt retention is still crap. Hopefully the NB will fix this soon. I guess it was just one of the very deep seated issues.