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Re: Do penalties for smokers and the obese make sense?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: Do penalties for smokers and the obese make sense?

i hope someone can explain the fallacy of this:

The human species is the only one that doesn't cull the herd naturally.

Meaning you either have to use logical sense in your decisions, or pay the price, so in relation to health if you consume junk food, or let yourself be exposed to harmful products so as to get ill you have nobody to blame but yourself. You are responsible for your own decisions, and life.

This applies to me as well. I ride my motor except on long trips without wearing a helmet. I'm aware of the health dangers, but still do it. Who's to blame If I crash and get injured? you?, the rest of the insured? One $100 would be enough incentive for me to ride with a helmet on.

If I was to be stopped for a ticket, they should charge me an extra $100 to be put into the health insurance if Obamacare survives. By the same token, if a person buys junk food, or drinks laden with aspertame products, and HFC's they should pay extra for the same reason. In addition the companies that sell this junk should be taxed for every sale. Those taxes would also go for obamacare.

If there is any fallacy it is for people who make healthy choices to pay for those that don't.

[Poor]-Are less likely to have a car to shop elsewhere if the corner bodega or convenience store stops stocking their vices.

I live about 14 blocks from a super market, and walk, or ride my bicycle most of the time to get something I need just to get some exercise and to save gas. You can always make excuses.

BTW, there are at least a half a dozen junk food restaurants along the way.



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