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Re: question
peggyaus Views: 2,419
Published: 12 y
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Re: question

The parasites definitely can build up resistance to meds... that's why there are always new vetinary meds on the market. Alot of good general information about parasite resistance is known in the farming community who try and keep their livestock healthy and alive. They cycle their meds in order that the paras don't get used to any particular type.

Appparently there are some substances though that continue to work like garlic but there's debate on almost every subject here. One thing for sure.... they definitely build up resistance... that's why we have "super bugs" now that are beyond types of anti biotics.

I'm definitely better and more informed than when I started...... I was very sick...... however i'm sick again at the moment, hence my dark mood, because like you, I am so tired of having to deal with parasites.

One thing I think is important... if you can keep the ones which usually live in your digestive system in your digestive system..... For me, they are already broken out and in my face and other places. When they are threatened they do move........ Ascaris especially will travel... even if not threatened. Years ago an Ascaris moved out of my anus and into my bladder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was not small....... I was able to remove it and it was about 5 inches long.

I would tell you to read Hulda Clark 's book A Cure for All Diseases, watch her Vids on youtube and also watch Bob Beck's vids on youtube on blood electrification. Also Glaxony here on Curezone knows alot about worms if you have a particular issue on worms. Take MSM in high doses. Take Protein. I think being really healthy is the key, which I wasn't. Compromised bodies get overloaded with
parasites....Take care xox



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