Re: So I think I figured something out.
basically I eat this list of foods, I try to eat meat until later in the day.
Brown Rice, brown rice noodles, broccoli , cabbage, green beans, meat(no pork), mostly chicken, plain Greek yogurt, sometimes chobani greek yogurt with fruit, Blue corn chips, sometimes Santitos yellow corn chips, these seem to be the only foods that do not cause me much problem, except I can get a little mucus from the corn chips and yogurt but not much, I try to eat the more potassium rich foods at night it helps me sleep. I should probably eat more variety , but I am unsure which other foods are , not refined carbs, too starchy, toxic etc.
I will cheat sometimes, like eating hamburger and fries from wendy's , I definately stay away from
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) and other dairy sources other than plain yogurt, I think I am allergic to eggs. I am afraid to eat too much sugary foods including fruit, because I used to have to eat too often when I was high carb and
Sugar diet, probably blood
Sugar related.
I have been trying to stay on Dr Lawrence Wilsons diet recommendations , it is working better than my old diet. Fruitarian doesnt work, neither does vegan. just take a look at
try to determine if you are a fast or slow oxidizer and base your diet on that. and maybe get a hair analysis