I am open minded (but not naive and ignorant) and ready to see a proof that this technique works reliably, but can you only show me one proof ?
I have not found any. Maybe it works, maybe not.
I suggest to focus your efforts on herbs / minerals / electrisation devices, at least with one of these things the results can be reproduced by others persons (if the person has used one thing at a time or a few things at a time, and has interpreted the results objectively)
Or you can continue to believe things and to lie to yourself...
Some tracks to explore :
Artemisia absinthium flowers/leaves
"The results of the present study suggest that A. absinthium extracts are a promising alternative to the commercially available anthelmintics for the treatment of GI nematodes of sheep" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19070963
Curcubia maxima seeds
"It was found that the MIC of 23 gr. of pumpkin seed in 100 ml. of distilled water can produce an antihelminthic effect." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15614300