Re: Those who'd like to dowse... Let's do this!
I completely agree and basically it's what I've been thinking too
the problem with dowsing is that it does not work always, there are some interfering elements and they produce false results
if your condition manifests through the skin, it's true that it could be in the blood, therefore cleaning the blood would be a priority I think
then, treating topically (rather than with electricity) can make a huge difference too
so if I'd be you, I'd concentrate on finding good blood cleansing herbs and would take high dosages for at least one month and at the same time I would try different things topically, like a variety of essential oils, propolis,
Antibiotic ointment etc. etc.
I think the best would be to try those different things just for a very short time and see what happens; if it's not helping almost immediately it's not right for your condition - it's been my observation both with frequencies or anything else, if it's right for the pathogen/condidion then it works almost immediately, usually in one hour you should be able to see/feel the difference (not healed but see/feel a positive improvement)
so if it's not helping, stop and start testing something else and eventually you'll get a BINGO!! something will start working and then it's just a matter to stick with it and possibly alternate with something else that worked too
until your "target" condition is gone
did you run parvovirus?? it creates rashes and makes me wonder if this is parvovirus relevant (created by dirofilaria larva stages)