I am using the flush niacin and the inositol hexanicotinate, which Newport has mentioned and also is mentioned in the FAQ by Frea. ( on the VWT Iodine supplementation forum). http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_niacin.html
This (above) I posted originally on the VWT forum.
I have switched to the inositol hexanicotinate it is a fush niacin but released slowly, not the same as no-flush niacin. It is much easier to up the amount.
I have been using it for several years but this year my bulk supplier changed to synthetic TMG. I used to use also Jarrows's crystals, but this year the company is not saying anymore that it is made from sugarbeets.
I might have to call them I wonder if they switched too.
Does anyone here know where to get the original kind?