Thanks dsr!.
i have tried dr.manhart's products. i ordered the ora-calc rinse, the chips, the brush and the carpules. I did not notice much of an improvement in my gum health.Unfortunately, the abscess on my lower tooth flared and i kindof tapered off using the products. i did not like the brush too much, that layer of cal/zinc falls off too fast and the bristles are really hard. i used up the carpules and the mouth rinse, still have some chips left. I dont know, maybe i gave up too fast..
But its heartening to hear that it worked for you. How long did you use it before you found a difference? How are you using it? I used the brush in the noon and night (i used herbal toothpowder in the mornings). i used the rinse 3 times a day and the chips maybe once a week...