Re: Test Results, High DHEAS/Testosterone/TSH, Low vitamin D. Help
Out of that list I have constipation, occasional diarrhea, gas and bloating, allergy to corn, soy, oats, beef and chocolate, nervousness, insomnia (occasional), chronic fatigue, and I would imagine immune dysfunction as I seem to have yeast problems. I get a normal amount of viruses every year, maybe one or two.
My tincture also has licorice in it. I think I may try the garlic and see what happens with that. I've been working in veterinary clinics for many years so I wouldn't be surprised if I had some worms/parasites. Unfortunately I don't have insurance nor the funds to get ozone treatments,medication or go to Mexico although I think it's a wonderful idea.
After you started taking the cat's claw how long did you wait to add the other herbs? Did you add them all at the same time?
If I remember right, you were treated with a clinical diagnosis right? You didn't have any testing done? I've heard there are some tests for
parasites etc that are more accurate than others.But others say you have to go by symptoms.