Thank you.
Yeah, I tried mms and honestly I couldn't tell that it did actually anything. So, I just stopped after one dose. I think the medication has to be adjusted to comply with how large an infection you have and where the infection is inside the body. I just find it cruel and unusual punishment that triclabendazole works for the best for this particular fluke but is the most suspectible to develop a resistance.
Thanks for the list. I will look into those. He didn't mention grapefruit juice though?? I consider that to be the highest natural cyp3a4 inhibitor that there is, according to what I've read.
Who knows if this is accurate or if the results have been replicated. But, it should make a difference.
The other thing is the flavin mono-oxygenase enzyme... the fmo.. When this was inhibited the triclabendazole worked better for resistant flukes. Do you know of any herbs, meds, supplements to inhibit that one?
Thank you.