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Re: It is the coal power plants
trapper/kcmo Views: 3,226
Published: 13 y
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Re: It is the coal power plants

you dont have any problem believing in stalin or mao, do you?

chemtrails pass the smell test for me. the record shows they have sprayed populations before, in san francisco, in st louis...

i still see your point and admire your integrity. i hope you keep investigating as i believe there is something youre missing, i just dont know what.

that there is wild speculation and disinfo all over the net, there is no doubt.

my experience with it goes back a decade and a half and i have sought information about it ever since. i think i have read everything there is about it thats available.

currently they are releasing DU into the atmosphere. if you feel comfortable ignoring that possibility then go for it.

and as for evil, there are contractors in afghanistan right now who make the rounds on a regular basis to the wells in the villages. there is a box with a cypher lock. once opened, a button which when pushed delivers a pellet of depleted uranium into the well is depressed. we are poisoning the women and children so they cant make any more taliban or whatever the hell their pet name today is.

i just want you to be informed.


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