That sounds wonderful. I just know that testing is so complicated that it can give us a false idea about true healthy pH at times. For example when I was on the Atkins diet many years ago, which is mostly meat, my pH shot up extremely high. I wonderful. I can eat my meat and have great pH too. Well, I decided to go back to eating vegetarian again and my health dropped seriously and I was later diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis symptoms.
Eating all that meat was such an acidic diet that I had used up my alkaline reserves. I thought just eating my veggies/fruits would get me back to where I should be but it didn't. juicing mineral dense fruits and veggies did help a great deal and later learned a number of other things that helped.
But the odd thing was that my pH had to drop first from that high pH level and then climb again to a balanced/or slightly higher pH to find better health.
I will admit that I didn't feel too bad on the Atkins diet with my super high pH. I felt better than what I use to ...but to be honest, I can't imagine what would have happened if I had stayed on that diet with my pH testing that high, giving me a false reading that I was healthy, when all I was doing was testing a lot of ammonia in my urine. (caused by my diet), Ammonia being highly alkaline. My blood tests were telling all good things but my bone density test was a warning me and I was too young to be dealing with that.
So the body can be so acidic that it actually tests alkaline, which causes some people to think they are balanced already, yet confused as to why they are not well. That is why I said, that the true test is if we are feeling healthy and are not still plagued with allergies, skin problems, brain fog and other type of annoyances that we sometimes deal with.
I'm so happy you are doing well. What I said probably does not apply to you at all, but I am curious to see how many others, may have experienced the same thing I did. It sounds like you may be doing just fine.
It was nice sharing with you and I look forward to hearing more. :)