12 y
Re: the test for apostasy
Vektek, my experience with tongues is very different than Thorn's. I am not emotionally manipulated into believing it. My experience very much lines up with scripture and I could pull my scriptures out too, but I'm sure every effort would be made into twisting scripture to fit beliefs. Just because Thorn did not have a real experience does not mean that I do not have a real experience. I do not see how anyone can be emotionally manipulated into thinking they are speaking in tongues if they really are doing it. Was Thorn just babbling or what? I am aware that some people do this. My experience is very supernatural. My mind does not have anything to do with it. The Holy Spirit is on my tongue. I can hear it with my ears. Although I cannot understand it, I can recognize when He changes the language on me. I guess it would be similar to being able to recognize if someone is speaking in German or Spanish. Even though a person may not understand either one of these, they may be able to recognize there is a definite difference in how they sound that may be distinguished. Also, when I sing in the Spirit I can recognize the same phrases like what happens when you sing in a song in English. I mean like the Chorus is always the same phrases. There is no way I could do this from my mind. My memory is just too bad. I do not babel. I am very fluent when I speak in tongues and always have been from the minute the Lord gave this to me. When I received the gift I was praying out loud just worshipping the Lord. I actually was speaking in tongues before my mind realized that I was no longer speaking in English. I was not in an emotional frenzy either, nor was I at a concert. True tongues have nothing to do with emotions. I do not relate to Thorn's experience at all. It sounds like he did not have the true gift just from reading your description. I would reject anything that is not true or real too.
By the way, tongues did not originate with Azusa street. The earliest I know of it was in Bible days.
Also, I am far from the only one on CZ posting on these Christians forums who speaks in tongues. Most people, I believe, are quiet about it as I was for these past years until all this happened. You would probably be shocked if you knew who they all were. It is actually very common for people to have the real experience. Not all people babel.
I am sad because I lost a lot of respect that I once had for you. :(